Business Practices

Fertiglobe is committed to building an inclusive, stimulating, and safe working environment and promoting social development for the benefit of our communities and all stakeholders.

2023 Performance Highlights


-3% reduction vs.2022

Fertiglobe - 24 - Sustainability - Icons - Product Stewardship - Performance Highlights - 1
Compliance Concerns
0 %

65% in 2022

Breaches of
Customer Privacy

65% in 2022

Fertiglobe - 24 - Sustainability - Icons - Social Value - Performance Highlights - 1
Training Hours
on Compliance Topics
0 +

65% in 2022

How We Work

We strive to conduct all business activities responsibly, efficiently, transparently, and with integrity and respect toward stakeholders. In doing so, we promote a culture of performance, collaboration, and responsibility.

Moreover, in line with our goal to make a positive impact that matters on the environments that surround us, we also created a structured ESG Governance Structure and operating model, that shall ensure sustainability commitments are meaningfully developed, executes, and integrated in our operations.


ESG Governance

Fertiglobe’s Board of Directors has tasked the Group’s leadership team with the management of Sustainability, supported by the Sustainability Steering Committee (Steerco), co-chaired by the CEO and the COO, and including Sustainability, Finance, Manufacturing, Human Capital, HSE, Risk Management and IT group functions.

Moreover, our Group’s remuneration practices support the alignment between our sustainability agenda and our executive compensation, with the Executive Management Team incentives tied to specific performance elements included in Fertiglobe’s Balanced Score Scorecard, including ESG KPIs and targets related to safety, people, and operations.

Fertiglobe - 24 - Sustainability - Responsible Business Practices - Business Ethics

Business Ethics

Our Code of Conduct provides an overview of the standards of conduct we expect from our employees and representatives. The Code supports our vision and strategic objectives of value creation for all stakeholders, safeguarding the triple bottom line of People, Planet, and Profit and holding every employee to the highest standard of business conduct.

Our Code of Conduct also highlights our zero tolerance towards corruption and bribery, further detailed in our Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery policies, applying to all our employees.

Before engaging in new business relationships, we conduct thorough due diligence on all partners, suppliers, and clients. This due diligence process includes evaluating their commitment to anti-corruption practices, ensuring alignment with our values, and assessing their own internal controls to prevent corruption and bribery. Our expectations are captured in our Business Partner Code of Conduct.

We are also committed to protecting the privacy of personal and sensitive information, for what concerns all aspects of our operations, form third-party interactions to internal data management processes. We rigorously adhere to data protection laws and regulations applicable to our operations globally and to reinforce a culture of data privacy awareness, we provide ongoing training for employees at all levels.

Looking for more information about our responsible business practices?